Commented on Thirteen Moons:
   "Thank you!!!"
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3 years ago

Commented on Thirteen Moons:
   "You do have a way with words! :) Each story touched me in a special way!"
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3 years ago

Commented on Thirteen Moons:
   "I will be sorry to see you go. I do hope you have found another place to share your talent. A Wonderful story so far. I look forward to the rest! Good luck in all things great and small!"
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3 years ago

Commented on Thirteen Moons:
   "Too true."
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3 years ago

Commented on Thirteen Moons:
   "Is it not being unable to hold onto a love that makes it so romantic?"
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3 years ago

Commented on Thirteen Moons:
   "Perfect! I had to go back and read it a second time, to walk through with her, while knowing the truth. Great story!"
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3 years ago

Commented on Thirteen Moons:
   "You move the story beautifully with your words and the mind of the reader is there with the protagonist. I admire your ability to bring about such powerful emotions."
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3 years ago

Commented on Thirteen Moons:
   "Why do we feel relief at our antagonist's distress? And yet, it is the making of a good story. Interesting how mothers make the most poignant adversaries."
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3 years ago

Commented on Thirteen Moons:
   "Sometimes it is only when we lose everything that we find out what really matters. Lovely fable!"
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3 years ago

Commented on Thirteen Moons:
   "As a great-grandmother, I have lived long enough to have several loves like this in my life and I would not trade one memory or experience. The good and the not so good. You have a wonderful skill. I liked the bird references throughout, it adds to the haunting beauty of the story (which I am sure you know). :) There just may come a day, in some place outside of time, where we are able to revisit any moment or imagination we are inclined to want to experience. Till then, be well. <3"
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3 years ago

Commented on Thirteen Moons:
   "I really like the poetic way that you set the stage and let us see the world through her eyes. It really draws the reader in."
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3 years ago

Commented on Thirteen Moons:
   "Beautiful. mmm,...."
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3 years ago

Commented on Thirteen Moons:
   "chills, thanks"
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3 years ago

Commented on We Don't Understand This Weather:
   "Well done! I love nature!"
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4 years ago

Commented on Channillo Short Story Contest Winners:
   "What a fabulous allegory for the Separation! It does give one pause for thanksgiving for the little things in life. Even though there is no answer presented besides life and death. Wouldn't it be nice if there was an alternative found? Well done! Congratulations on winning the Short Story Contest for June, yay!!!"
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4 years ago